Thursday, May 1, 2014

3 Months

Weight: I have not a clue
Length: Same as above
Diaper Size: 1
Clothing size: 0-3 months
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Toy: Her hands
Sleeping Habits: Thank goodness we finally have some sort of a schedule going here. We put her to bed around 9:00 and she wakes up any where between 6:30 and 7:30. I'll list her little "schedule down below".
Best Moments: Her wide smile when her daddy plays with her!
Hard Moments: Her 3-month growth-spurt. Crying all day for two days is hard on mama and baby.
Fun Info:    
  • She found her thumb...once. That was so fun. Thankfully, my mom was around and quick on the trigger to document it.
  • She's also extremely camera shy (which is not so fun for mama but exactly like her mama). 
  • She rolled from her back to her stomach...once. 
  • She still requires movement to be content...I'm really praying for an adjustment to her crib soon (if only those bounced. Maybe a crib on hydraulics?) 
  • She's starting to like her bath time...actually, she just likes sucking down whatever water gets near her mouth :-/
  • We might have finally found a bottle that she will take. Thank you, Nuk!
  • She's great in public! She's quiet and behaves! Hopefully she will stay that way, haha!

3-month Schedule:
6:30/7:30am // Wakes up, eats, goes back to sleep
9:30/10:30am // Wakes up, eats, plays
11:30am // Cat nap on me or in the bouncer (30 minutes)
12pm // Eats
12:30-3:30 // Nap
3:30pm // Eats
5pm // Fussy time (haha) Cat nap (30 minutes)
6pm // Eats
7pm // Cat nap (30 minutes)
8:00 // Bath
8:45 // Eats
9:00 // Bed time

Of course her schedule changes slightly depending on the day but for the most part, this is it give or take 30 minutes.

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