Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mama's Day

God has taught me a lot about His love for me through Brooklynn. With it being Mama's Day, I thought I'd share!

1. Obviously B poops...a lot. I can't stand to know she's sitting in her own poop...can you blame me? Would you wanna sit in your own mess? It's my duty to clean up her mess and I don't mind it. God doesn't mind cleaning you up. He's not scared of your mess.

2. B cries when she's hungry. I hear her but sometimes I can't feed her right then because we're in the car or in a get the picture. But when I finally get to feed her most of the time I'll look at her and say, "I'm not going to let you starve...I'm always gonna feed you." God won't let us go hungry. If he cares for the birds...

3. I wish she would just talk to me!! Spiritual point taken.

4. She hates those cold wipes (I won't invest In a wipe warmer. What kind of parent am I?) I can tell it's uncomfortable for her as she flinches. But in order for me to help her, she has to be uncomfortable for a second. Sometimes we have to be uncomfortable for a minute so that God can work on us!

5. "After all I've done for you, you better love me!" ... any questions on that one?

Thank you, Brooklynn for making me a mommy. Wuv you! 

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