Thursday, May 29, 2014

Dear Team Church

As our time serving with you comes to an end, we are sad to have to say, "see you later." We are so thankful to have been brought into your family a year and a half ago and in such a short amount of time have grown to love so many of you.

Thank you to those of you who served along side of us and poured into our lives along with the lives of our students. You all were one-in-a-million to serve with. Thank you for making our job so easy and for always stepping up to the plate to help take the load off of my husband. You may not always reap the rewards of your investment here on earth but our true reward is in heaven; so never stop serving...ever.

Thank you for giving. Thank you to those of you that gave sacrificially of your money so that your/a student could grow spiritually. Thank you, also, for giving your time as we have come to realize that when you have a job, and a family of your own, there's often little time to give to anyone else. So many of you gave all of you had to invest in the lives of our students. Never stop giving.

Thank you, Team Church, for sharing your lives with us and also with those in the community. Thank you for doing life with us and sharing yourselves and your family with ours. You became our family and because of that, we know it's just a "see you later" type of relationship.
Students, it has been a crazy ride, in the best sort of way, to see you share your relationship with Jesus with your friends. Many have lost hope in the next generation but you continue to prove to them that the wave always starts in the student section. Keep sharing Jesus and keep sharing your life with those that need a little hope. Keep inviting and keep loving others. "Always be somebody that makes everybody feel like a somebody."

Keep loving
Keep serving
Keep giving
Keep sharing

One Team,
The Huxs

Friday, May 16, 2014

"Most mommys would give anything for this."

It's 2:45am and I just told husband that this is the worst week of my parenting life (okay mayyyybe a little dramatic but no really) thus far. And I even feel bad saying that knowing the pain two little families are having to live through from losing their little ones in the last couple of weeks. It's amazing how fast stories of people you've never heard of fly around social media. My sob story is just that in comparison to theirs...a little bit of sobbing. 

As I lye here sleep deprived feeling as if B is only 2 weeks old instead of 14, I'm reminded of a poopy diaper I changed back when we first brought Brooklynn home from the hospital. At my baby shower, everyone wrote "funny" things (and some deep inspirational prophetic words, haha) on a pack of diapers that I quickly went through during night feedings. Along with the "ipood", "oh crap!", and "this ones for daddy" diapers, there was one that said, "some mommys would give anything for this." I don't know who wrote it but they should know this: That has gotten me through way more than one poopy diaper. It's gotten me through growth spurts, the beginning stages of teething, and now the transition to crib "sleeping" that B is not doing much of. 

This week both of our swings, which were the only things B would sleep in, stopped swinging for one reason or another so that meant crib livin for Miss Brooklynn-girl. She sleeps well during the day then the sun goes down and she's all in a tissy at ungodly hours such as 2:45am (hence why I'm venting to the internet). But most mommys would give anything for this. 

To top getting no sleep off, husband was sick last weekend and the beginning of this week and I've been a sick dog since Tuesdayish. Needless to say we exhibit the true meaning of walking dead in the Hux household this week. But most mommys would give anything for this. 

I spend most of her crying hours trying to figure things out...cause that's what I do...I solve the problems. Is she too cold? Too hot? Maybe she didnt get enough to eat. Does she wanna be unswaddled, swaddled, or one arm out?, does she need to be inclined? Is it too dark or too bright? Maybe the sound machine isn't loud enough. Or maybe she's just a baby and babies cry. Then I look over her crib to give her a paci and she smiles and opens her mouth real big. Most mommys would give anything for this. I may have to wear more under eye concealer tomorrow but I think I'll be okay. I think we'll all make it. Most mommys would give anything for the dark circles and the crying. We have much to be grateful for.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mama's Day

God has taught me a lot about His love for me through Brooklynn. With it being Mama's Day, I thought I'd share!

1. Obviously B poops...a lot. I can't stand to know she's sitting in her own poop...can you blame me? Would you wanna sit in your own mess? It's my duty to clean up her mess and I don't mind it. God doesn't mind cleaning you up. He's not scared of your mess.

2. B cries when she's hungry. I hear her but sometimes I can't feed her right then because we're in the car or in a get the picture. But when I finally get to feed her most of the time I'll look at her and say, "I'm not going to let you starve...I'm always gonna feed you." God won't let us go hungry. If he cares for the birds...

3. I wish she would just talk to me!! Spiritual point taken.

4. She hates those cold wipes (I won't invest In a wipe warmer. What kind of parent am I?) I can tell it's uncomfortable for her as she flinches. But in order for me to help her, she has to be uncomfortable for a second. Sometimes we have to be uncomfortable for a minute so that God can work on us!

5. "After all I've done for you, you better love me!" ... any questions on that one?

Thank you, Brooklynn for making me a mommy. Wuv you! 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

3 Months

Weight: I have not a clue
Length: Same as above
Diaper Size: 1
Clothing size: 0-3 months
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Toy: Her hands
Sleeping Habits: Thank goodness we finally have some sort of a schedule going here. We put her to bed around 9:00 and she wakes up any where between 6:30 and 7:30. I'll list her little "schedule down below".
Best Moments: Her wide smile when her daddy plays with her!
Hard Moments: Her 3-month growth-spurt. Crying all day for two days is hard on mama and baby.
Fun Info:    
  • She found her thumb...once. That was so fun. Thankfully, my mom was around and quick on the trigger to document it.
  • She's also extremely camera shy (which is not so fun for mama but exactly like her mama). 
  • She rolled from her back to her stomach...once. 
  • She still requires movement to be content...I'm really praying for an adjustment to her crib soon (if only those bounced. Maybe a crib on hydraulics?) 
  • She's starting to like her bath time...actually, she just likes sucking down whatever water gets near her mouth :-/
  • We might have finally found a bottle that she will take. Thank you, Nuk!
  • She's great in public! She's quiet and behaves! Hopefully she will stay that way, haha!

3-month Schedule:
6:30/7:30am // Wakes up, eats, goes back to sleep
9:30/10:30am // Wakes up, eats, plays
11:30am // Cat nap on me or in the bouncer (30 minutes)
12pm // Eats
12:30-3:30 // Nap
3:30pm // Eats
5pm // Fussy time (haha) Cat nap (30 minutes)
6pm // Eats
7pm // Cat nap (30 minutes)
8:00 // Bath
8:45 // Eats
9:00 // Bed time

Of course her schedule changes slightly depending on the day but for the most part, this is it give or take 30 minutes.