Sunday, January 5, 2014

Weeks 32/33

How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 34 lbs. PCOS, you strike again!
Maternity clothes: Here & there
Stretch marks? None yet
Sleep? Pretty good most days
Miss Anything? My clothes fitting!
Movement: Hurtful movements...she likes to kick-box in the same area!!
Food cravings? Not really...still just thirsty!!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Queasy occasionally for whatever reason!
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Carpal tunnel in my hands, swollen everything, and fluid in my ears which does not feel good at all!
Labor signs? No. It's tight sometimes but nothing major!
Belly button in or out? Still flat
Wedding rings on or off? on...and tight...but I don't want to take them off...actually, I don't think I could get them off! Haha!
Happy or moody most of the time? Too tired to be either!
Worst moment this week: My ears are popping and super sore! I can't hear anything when I wake up and sleeping on them is super painful. I also, unless I want to be in lots of pain, have to get husband to open any kind of bottle with a cap.
Best moment this week: Getting to spend so much time with our families. It's super unusual these days & it's the best!
Looking forward to: My baby shower SATURDAY! :)
Baby info: She's between 5-6 lbs. (I'll find out in two weeks just how big she really is...) She can keep her eyes open while she's awake. She's starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Her bones are hardening and going through major brain development!

After this weeks update, are you sure you wanna have a baby one day? Hahaha! It's been an uncomfortable past two weeks, but I still don't have much to complain about compared to most! I've really had it made during this pregnancy compared to some horror stories I hear about! 

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