Sunday, January 12, 2014

34 Weeks & Showering Baby Hux

How far along? 34 weeks...5 more!
Total weight gain/loss: Who knows...I don't really wanna know!
Maternity clothes: Still able to just squeeze in my regular tops and my leggings and maternity jeans. Lots of tunics & dresses!
Stretch marks? Nope, thanks mom :)
Sleep? Still sleeping fine! Although, I never wake up to pee so when I do wake up in the morning it's painful to walk to the bathroom since I haven't "relieved" myself after 9 hours!
Miss Anything? Being able to bend over...and put my shoes on!!
Movement: She's going stir-crazy in there I'm sure! It makes me queasy most of the time!
Food cravings? No, not really, mainly anything bad for you!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Her movements & when I don't eat enough!
Gender: Pretty sure she's still a girl. Someone made the comment at my shower that she could come out a boy...and thunder shook the whole house.
Symptoms: Braxton hicks are in full force, normal rib and back aches, and heartburn!
Labor signs? No legit labor pains
Belly button in or out? It's complicated!
Wedding rings on or off? They aren't going anywhere!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy
Worst moment this week: Just super tired! Knowing there's lots to do and being un-moti-vat-ed
Best moment this week: A super sweet shower for Baby Hux thrown by great friends!
Looking forward to: We have an ultrasound Friday to see how much this chunker weighs. We are thinking we have a big'un on our hands. My mom had 4 big babies and PCOS guarantees a big baby. I'm 0-2. 
Baby info: She pees a pint a day. Makes sense. Haha. 

I decided to skip out on the chalkboard post today and just go with pictures from my shower instead. Mainly because I'm lazy, let's be honest. But also because it was all just so cute. Ginny and Casey went way above and way beyond with this shower. When they first asked me if I wanted a shower I said, "um. no." Haha! I hate showers! Most people that know me know that I really don't care to be the center of attention and so opening gifts in front of people just makes me uncomfortable!! BUT knowing that I obviously couldn't just go out and buy all the stuff I needed, I was grateful to them and kindly accepted their wishes to throw a shower! So, thank you Casey and Ginny and thank you friends and family for coming out in the tornado and showing Brooklynn & I so much love!

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