Sunday, January 19, 2014

35 Weeks

How far along? Made it through 35 weeks! A little over 4 more weeks! 
Total weight gain/loss: 36 lbs. 
Maternity clothes: Still not wearing many!
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? Getting a little more challenging
Miss Anything? Lying on my stomach
Movement: She's a crazy one. Takes after her daddy I believe.
Food cravings? Coke & burgers!
Anything making you sick or queasy? Eating too fast or too much!
Gender: girl
Symptoms: The worst one has actually been my ears. They hurt when I eat anything and when I sleep on them. It's all the fluid that's keeping them clogged and sore! Let me tell you, it's the worst!! Way worse than the braxton hicks I've had!! Still struggling with carpal tunnel and few side pains here and there but other than that (LOL) I'm good to go!
Labor signs? Lots of Braxton Hicks but nothing unmanageable :)
Belly button in or out? Still flat...I don't think it's going to come out!
Wedding rings on or off? On & stuck...because I refused to take them off ;)
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! I got "moody" once this weekend. I was hungry. What can I say.
Worst moment this week: We went out to eat Thursday night and walked around the mall. I thought I was gonna die from heartburn and cramps.
Best moment this week: We had an ultrasound (which was kinda pointless because she's so squished neither Husband nor I could tell what anything was only than all the squiggly marks was all her hair) But I was told B only weighs about 6 lbs. Which is average at this point. I was expecting a much bigger baby by this point so I was relieved! 
Looking forward to: Getting in the last minute baby things we had to order! We should be all good to go by the end of next week! 
Baby info: For the most part, she's done cookin'. Just gotta get fatter ;)

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