Monday, June 25, 2012

Life Lately

Whenever I go long periods of time without blogging (which happens on occassion)...I like to just do a "picture update" so that's what today is! Enjoy :-)

John signed to play baseball at Spartanburg Methodist College and graduated from South Aiken High School!

Stephen finished up his career at Spartanburg Methodist by playing in the JUCO World Series, then signed to play his remaining two years at Charleston Southern University!

We graduated some of our seniors from church :-(

Husband had a birthday! The big 2-4! Some students "kidnapped him" and took him to his favorite place to eat- Chickfila...then sticky-noted his car and sent him a pizza :)

 We tagged along on the 5th grade trip to Carowinds...they'll soon be ours :-)

We took the youth to Awanita Valley for camp this year...I just love hills and bugs ;-)

And last night, we gave out free hotdogs and water on the Swamp Rabbit Trail in TR...a little outreach :)

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