Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Keep Calm

If someone were to ask me what my "life verse" was, it would be Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still." For the past few years I have felt as though I've been living in a battle scene- not only fighting for myself but fighting for my friends. Now, I know that the Christian life is very much a battle...Jesus said it would be. He also said, "So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good." (1 Peter 4:19) 

Sometimes, no matter what you say or do there are going to be people that don't like it and I think accepting that reality is a hard one, especially when you are doing what the Lord has called you to do or to be. I think once believers realize that we are all on the same team, after the same purpose, trying to reach the same goal (to save souls), the battle should cease from taking place within the Kingdom. 

I have to remember that if the Lord tells us to do something, His reward is greater than the reward we will receive if we always try to do what people want us to do. So, when we are criticized for being in God's will, I will count it a blessing because I know what we are doing is what God has called us to do. In my own life, I need to stop trying to fight people and let God fight for me. I constantly feel as though I'm swinging my sword at people because we are trying to do what the Lord has told us to do. In the famous words of Judah Smith, "Quit swinging your sword. Step back and let the Son step up."

Jesus has already won. 

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