Friday, March 16, 2012

NYLC 2012 Part 3

ROBERT MADU--Approval Addiction

-"God will work ON you while He works IN you!" (How many have prayed for someone who was struggling with the SAME thing you are?)

-"If you are gifted in the church-world, it tends to erase a multitude of sins! (unfortunately)"

-"Addiction doesn't just resonate with drugs and alcohol."

-"APPROVAL ADDICTION...we are wired for approval!"

-"We drink to the approval of man but what happens when the bottles empty? We will do ANYTHING for another drink!"

"God gave Jesus approval at the BEGINNING of His ministry (Matt 3)...before He had done ANYTHING!!

-"Approvaholics are intoxicated with insecurity. Insecurity is Satan's attempt to get you to focus on YOURSELF and not GOD. Intimacy with God eliminates insecurity."

-"Approvaholics constantly crave comparisons. You can ONLY be who GOD has called YOU to be!"

-"Approvaholics want to beat others! We should all have the SAME MISSION but DIFFERENT VISIONS! We often pray more for the church thousands of miles away more than the church 2 blocks away!"

-"Approvaholics function on how they FEEL instead of their FAITH. Remember the voice of your Father!"

ANDY STANLEY -- Communicating 

-"Jesus views sinners as a lost son that He's waiting on to return."

-"Once Jesus got everyone EMOTIONALLY involved, He could get them THEOLOGICALLY involved! APPROACH TRUMPS CONTENT" Don't use so much theologically jargon...a lost person DOESN"T GET IT!

-"18-25 year olds are NOT leaving the church because of the truths of the scripture but because the APPROACH is ALL WRONG!"

-"What is my GOAL in communication?" Should be to be HELPFUL...Someone may not "get the Jesus thing"...but they will come back next week because you HELPED them!

-"Jesus appealed to a common emotion...point to an emotion or a "mystery question".

-"Who is this about...really? Go after the most difficult person to reach when delivering a sermon."

-"What's your BURDEN? Don't let it get lost trying to FILL THE TIME! MEMORABLE is PORTABLE. Let them out with ONE line they can take with them and remember!! (e.g. "Purity paves the way to intimacy", "Do for ONE what you wish you could do for EVERYONE!", "Your irresponsibility will become someone's responsibility!") 

-"What's the TENSION? Tension creates interest! Church's don't want to talk about pressing matters anymore!

-"Do you OWN it?" Don't read your notes...the people won't think you OWN why should they?

-"Are you allowing the text to speak?"

*Part 4 coming later!

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