Thursday, March 15, 2012

NYLC 2012 Part 2

Another post from the National Youth Leaders Conference.


"If you know how to PRAY, you know how to lead, preach, etc."

-"You're one prayer away from a better life."

-"Prayer is the difference between what YOU can do and what GOD can do."

-"We are so TIRED because WE keep fighting for God - let God fight for YOU!"

-"You will never break the sin habit without the the habit of prayer."

-"If you don't risk your reputation, you will never establish God's reputation."


-"Principles, information, and data will not make you whole. We don't need someone in the pit WITH us, we need someone OUTSIDE of the pit - Jesus - He's the only one qualified for the human soul. Don't desert the only one you've got!"

-"It's not about recognizing how bad or good we are. It's about recognizing His sufficient grace."

-"Step BACK and let the Son step UP!! Religion always tell man to step up!!!"


-"In John 6 is the story of the feeding of the 5,000. We all look at the BOY as the HERO in this story...when actually it's the person who made his LUNCH that is the hero...(that is us, youth workers...we just need to make the lunch!!)"

-"We need to teach students to RECOGNIZE Jesus (someone had introduced this little boy to Jesus...He knew that Jesus had performed miracles and he knew that Jesus could use his lunch!"

-"Teach students to TRUST in Jesus! We can't tell kids "you can do whatever you want to if you believe in yourself!" We won't get anyway in life believing in OURSELVES!

-"If you ever think of giving up on a kid, think about where you would be if God had given up on YOU"

-"RELEASE them to Jesus! The younger generation may not worship the way the older generation does...but respect the way they choose to love Jesus!!!"

-"Don't FIGHT youth ministry, FUND it!" MTV and Disney have reached your student...because they've put MONEY into it! Why can't the church?!!!

**More to come :)

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