Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A 15 Month Update

Since Brooklynn's almost 16 months now, I found it fitting to go ahead and put up a 15 month update (since we run a little behind on things these days).

Brooklynn weighs 21 lbs. now and is 31" long. She's walking, practically running, and no you can't keep up with her. She's saying "mama", "dada", "papa", and "Jesus"... okay okay, she DID say it but just once! Her "hello" is "LO" and if you ask her where someone is and they aren't in the room she gives a cute, "I don't know" hand movement.

Along with her being into everything, when objects don't "open" she gets very VERY frustrated. My husband has thrown the occasional toy away because it aggravates her so much.

She is a girl in every sense of the word. She doesn't like anything to be dirty on her hands or feet. We are becoming accustomed to shoes, thankfully, yet gets frustrated when she can't put them on herself. Spell it with me : I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T. She gets it honest.

She loves kicking balls around the house. No one in my family is a soccer star, besides the soccer-run my dad had growing up (hence the football kicker) so Kaylin, she's all yours :)

We definitely have a smart cookie on our hands. She can tell you (well, show you) how old she is, point to all of her body parts, and bat her eyelashes when you ask her about her "pretty eyes". You may also get the occasional eye roll. She didn't get that from me. She also loves books and dogs. She carries around her stuffed dog she got from her friend Anna all over the house while giving it kisses and trying to feed it. Have I mentioned she's the most compassionate little girl?

Her favorite foods are mac & cheese, chicken nuggets, pouches, cheese quesadillas, & sweet tea (don't judge me, we're from the South) and anything else sweet for that matter. She gets that from her dad.

She still loves her Doc McStuffins, Mickey Mouse, and Ring Around the Rosy. She gives the best kisses and still loves people. The more the merrier. Don't tell her "I'm gonna get you" unless you're prepared to run laps around the building while she screams from excitement. Have I mentioned she loves to be chased?

We are growing more accustomed to buggies and highchairs but only for a short period of time and only if you're feeding her snacks. After that, all bets are off and she tries her hand at surfing. We're also not fans of the vacuum, hair dryer, blender, or exercise balls. Those are big, loud, and scary.

And, thanks to one of our fabulous babysitters, we have a collage of all of "Brooklynn's faces" Thank you, Allee :)

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