We have started off 2015 with bang here in the Hux household. Brooklynn woke up New Years Day with
something. Whatever it was, it only lasted 24 hours but that was about 22 hours too long. I guess the good thing about having a super hyper-active baby is you
know when she's sick. She woke up, didn't drink much of her bottle (clue #1), sat up and didn't move (clue #2), and wanted to be held and cuddle (clue #3). Yep, that was it, someone call 9-1-1 cause Brooklynn-girl was not herself. We watched her for a bit, gave her some Tylenol, a bubble bath, and put her back down for a nap about 45 minutes after she woke up (clue #4 because she actually went back down with no fuss). We woke her up ( I know, a no-no in parenting 101) but we wanted her to nap again and not sleep the whole day away. She was whiny and so she went back down shortly after lunch. She seemed to get better as the day wore on but she still had a small fever and was clingy. She woke up yesterday with about 95% of her spunk back and today she's as good as new. Having a sick baby is rough on the soul...and the back if they only wanna be held.
Sick and still super sweet :) |
Have any of you made your New Years "Resolutions"? I use quotations because I think the majority of us just consider it a joke nowadays. I made some...sorta. I'm really gonna try and lose the rest of this weight that I gained prior to baby...thank you control, I hate you. We did our "healthy grocery shopping" this morning. I think more-so than losing weight I just need my energy back. I also have vowed to myself to be more joyful...in everything...this year. I'm determined to not let things stress me out as much as I did last year. You can usher in prayers for me if you'd like ;)
In other fun news, Brooklynn's first birthday plans are in the making <insert deer-in-the-headlights-look>.
Prayers for good health and joy in your 2015 :)
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