Monday, March 3, 2014

She's 1 Month!

 Happy One Month Birthday, baby are loved!

Baby Heisman, anyone?

Weight: 7lbs...maybe a little more now
Length: Not sure. She was 18 a month ago :)
Diaper Size: Newborn
Clothing size: Newborn...which we have hardly any of and most of her newborn things are too big!
Eye Color: Blue-grey
Favorite Toy: Her hands...Haha
Sleeping Habits: She's a pretty good sleeper! She still sleeps in her swing because she needs the movement! At night, on average she will sleep 3 1/2 hours at a time. A couple of times she's slept more than 4 and one night she slept 6 1/2! During the day, she still sleeps a lot but she's also awake way more than normal!

The first thing people say when seeing her is, "Oh my gosh she's so tiny!" I'm thinking, "Oh my gosh she's getting so big!" Here's a reminder of how tiny she was!

1 comment:

  1. Precious! The tiny disappears so fast...
