Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Look out, world!

If you've read any of my PCOS posts, this one may come as a *SHOCKER* to you, as it did to us (and the doctors), as well! Husband and I decided back in April that after hearing from the doctors that it could potentially take us a year to get pregnant, that we should just go ahead and begin the process. Well, needless to say, it didn't take a year. God's sense of humor never ceases to surprise me. Ha-ha! 

So, how did we find out? At the end of each month, I have to take a pregnancy test in order to continue my PCOS medicine (you can't take it if you're pregnant). I had noticed that I had been super tired, sore, and had awful cramping in my lower abdomen area. I just thought it was mother nature. It wasn't. I took the pregnancy test, then another, and still was skeptical. The next day I called my doctor and went in for blood samples. They said I was a little over 4 weeks. I still didn't believe them. Just said, "okay, thanks" and left. We told family and the staff at church so that they could be praying (me still not completely believing that it was true). You have to understand, for the past 4 years, I've been told by doctors that I would have an extremely hard time getting pregnant; if I would even be able to. So, for to actually happen, and happen so fast, you can see my skepticism. I finally got my confirmation on Monday at my ultra-sound. I think the heartbeat solidified it for me. When I heard it, I thought, "here we go!...."

The doctor said after hearing the heartbeat that I have below a 3% chance of miscarriage. They always say to keep your pregnancy on the D-L until 12 weeks, but at a little over 8 weeks along, my husband just can't take it anymore ;-) I've kept him quiet for about 4 weeks and he's just dying. I feel a little sorry for him, Ha-ha! I was always the girl that thought that other girls were just crazy for letting the cat-out-of-the-bag before 13 weeks but husband and I both agreed that whether this baby continues to grow and become an active part of our family come February or I end up in the 3% category, I want people to be apart of this journey with us. So, buckle your seat belts because this will be quite the ride!

So, have I been sick? Nope, just a few stomach aches (still from a certain medicine I'm on) & pretty tired! 
Are we ready for this? Absolutely not. 
Are we nervous/scared? Heck yeah. 
Are we excited? More and more every day. 
Are we hoping for boy/girl? I'm kinda hoping boy for the sake of my wallet ;)
When am I due? February 23, 2014 (does it ever even come when it's supposed to?)

We would still love your prayers! Prayers for peace and wisdom as we venture into something we know nothing about! Here we go...

Cheers to Baby Hux,

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