Thursday, May 16, 2013

Here's to you, Seniors!

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil. 1:6

The time has come to celebrate our 17 seniors that we have graduating out of the student ministry. 17. That's a lot. That's a lot of disciples that God is going to use on their college campuses next year! To be honest, this is the time of year where Husband and I get all sappy-like and feel like proud parents as we see our God's "kids" begin to own their own faith and begin to mentor the younger ones as they begin to make decisions that they have journeyed through making thus far. Last night we heard from four of our student band members. We heard about their spiritual journeys and their personal journeys and how God has used both to shape them into who they've become up to this point. I'd like to share some of their profound statements that they made last night. I'm telling you, these kids (I call them kids because they are Husband and I's "kids") are wise. Wise beyond their young years. I may be biased but the world needs a lot more of their kind! Anyways, on to their words!

"I want you to know Christ. Not just know Christ. But know Christ."... "Not everything remains solid & firm, but Christ does."..."Christ died to set you free, not for you to struggle in sin."..."I worship not because of fame but because Christ has given us the greatest gift."..."I want what God wants for you."..."His plan is much greater than anything we an dream up for ourselves." -Caleb Crosby

"Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt, isn't really true."...I was angry and moody but God pulled me out."..."Music is my outlet"..."Here I am feeling worthless, then I realize I have a purpose."..."There's nowhere you can go from God." -Nathan Russell

"I was the kid that thought I was holier than thou because I wasn't "bad"..."I thought I could do it on my own and only needed God on Wednesdays and Sundays."..."I was hypocritical."..."Please, don't wait until your sophomore year to really follow Christ, He will come when you least expect it, Be ready!"..."I hate it took me so long to realize that God's opinion is the only one that matters."... "God will replace your "friends" with friends." -Elizabeth Elliot

"My life has been a roller coaster."... "What are you doing with all of your time?"... "You measure what you love the most based on where your time and money goes."... "It's not about what we've done but about what God has done."..."Christ died for YOU!" -Logan Oakley

Thank you Seniors for what you have meant to Hux and I and for your encouragement to us and your friends last night! God has big things in store for you and I can't wait to see what He does with your lives! Your leadership and presence will be GREATLY missed at Pursuit! Love you all :)

Class of '13,

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