Monday, May 20, 2013

All about the Sun(less)

Normally when you think of a blonde-haired blue-eyed child, you would go ahead and add dark skin to the situation. Not this child. I'm about as pale as a bottle of Crest toothpaste. Any color I have on my body is from a bottle! I went through the identity crisis of being so pale in high school and so I took it upon myself to work at a tanning salon so I could lay in the beds for free...whenever I wanted. As I was tempted to lay more than once a day. Yes, it was bad. I've fried my skin countless times in a bed and outside just trying to get an ounce of color on my skin. Boy how I wish I could go back and change that! I know my parents would freak out everytime I would go to the lake or beach with friends because they knew I would come back looking like a lobster...even if I really did use sunscreen...and then I would have mild panic attacks on the way home because I just knew how they were going to react. I got pretty used to hearing, "CHHRIIISSSSIIIIEEEEE.....", and "CHILD, SUNSCREEN!", and "OOMMGGG" along with the quenching of faces and awful facial expressions from anyone who saw me scorched. It was just always a bad day after being in the sun. And it still is but now, in my smarter more mature days, I lather sunscreen & always have some in my purse.

So, the point of this post? With summer coming and my Florida vacation in the near future, I'd rather save the people at the beach from being blinded by my white-ness and get a little color. So, I thought I would share some of my favorite products with you and how I use them!

On the daily after my shower, I use a body moisturizer with a "tint of color". I switch back and forth between the Jergen's Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer in medium-tan *Firming (because well, who doesn't want that?) or Ocean Potion EverGlow. Both of these just help maintain a little bit of color in between the heavy duty sunless tanners. I prefer the look of the Jergen's but the smell of the Ocean Potion. The struggle, I know. I also use the Jergen's Natural Glow face moisturizer everyday (it has sunscreen in it so extra plus)

Jergen's Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer  $8.69 (for face & body) at Target or Walmart
Ocean Potion EverGlow Daily Moisturizer $3-4 at WalMart

About once a week I will break out the "bad boys". The ones that make me look like I've been on a tropical vacation (without the lobster effect...if you know what I mean!) These are my two favorites; The Sunlab Self Tanning Lotion (they have different shades) and for a cheaper alternative, Banana Boat's Self Tanning Lotion in Deep Dark Color. I tend to always get the *darker shades because they tend to look more "tan" and less "orange" on my skin, for whatever reason! Now, before using these, I will take a shower and exfoliate using whatever I have laying around. You can also make your own using a mixture of sugar (white or brown) and olive oil. There are all kinds of recipes online. Also, make sure to shave :) Now 95% of the time, I'll either do one of two things. I will either moisturize with whatever light body lotion I have, then apply the sunless tanner OR I'll mix half of the sunless tanner in with my regular lotion and apply it then. It tends to look more natural that way and always use latex gloves so it doesn't stain your hands. 

Banana Boat Summer Color Self tanning lotion $6.99 Target

My husband laughs every time someone says, "You're looking tan". He thinks it's funny. I think it's smart ;-) So, ditch the bed and pick up the bottle!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Here's to you, Seniors!

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil. 1:6

The time has come to celebrate our 17 seniors that we have graduating out of the student ministry. 17. That's a lot. That's a lot of disciples that God is going to use on their college campuses next year! To be honest, this is the time of year where Husband and I get all sappy-like and feel like proud parents as we see our God's "kids" begin to own their own faith and begin to mentor the younger ones as they begin to make decisions that they have journeyed through making thus far. Last night we heard from four of our student band members. We heard about their spiritual journeys and their personal journeys and how God has used both to shape them into who they've become up to this point. I'd like to share some of their profound statements that they made last night. I'm telling you, these kids (I call them kids because they are Husband and I's "kids") are wise. Wise beyond their young years. I may be biased but the world needs a lot more of their kind! Anyways, on to their words!

"I want you to know Christ. Not just know Christ. But know Christ."... "Not everything remains solid & firm, but Christ does."..."Christ died to set you free, not for you to struggle in sin."..."I worship not because of fame but because Christ has given us the greatest gift."..."I want what God wants for you."..."His plan is much greater than anything we an dream up for ourselves." -Caleb Crosby

"Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt, isn't really true."...I was angry and moody but God pulled me out."..."Music is my outlet"..."Here I am feeling worthless, then I realize I have a purpose."..."There's nowhere you can go from God." -Nathan Russell

"I was the kid that thought I was holier than thou because I wasn't "bad"..."I thought I could do it on my own and only needed God on Wednesdays and Sundays."..."I was hypocritical."..."Please, don't wait until your sophomore year to really follow Christ, He will come when you least expect it, Be ready!"..."I hate it took me so long to realize that God's opinion is the only one that matters."... "God will replace your "friends" with friends." -Elizabeth Elliot

"My life has been a roller coaster."... "What are you doing with all of your time?"... "You measure what you love the most based on where your time and money goes."... "It's not about what we've done but about what God has done."..."Christ died for YOU!" -Logan Oakley

Thank you Seniors for what you have meant to Hux and I and for your encouragement to us and your friends last night! God has big things in store for you and I can't wait to see what He does with your lives! Your leadership and presence will be GREATLY missed at Pursuit! Love you all :)

Class of '13,

Monday, May 13, 2013

1 John & Warrior Moms

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God;but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.
1 John 4:7-12

Hope all of you mothers had a Happy Mother's day, though I realize it's not the happiest of times for many! Whichever category you fall under, I hope you were showered with love! Yesterday, Husband was able to deliver the message in our services and I do have to say, it was good! Not that I'm biased or anything, but I could listen to him all the time! I applaud him for being able to deliver a message out of 1 John (that normally would have sounded very Valentines Day-ish) that hit on the scripture as well as relating it to all categories of motherhood! That's not an easy task but he rose to it beautifully! If you weren't able to join us yesterday, here is what he hit on!
  • We can't truly know love until we know God!
  • Love should be the distinguishing factor of the church. Jesus died for the people that we "can't stand".
  • If God is not in us, love is not in us.
  • True happiness is not found in what we do, but in what God has done.
  • Why do good things happen to bad people? That's us. A good thing (Jesus) happened to bad people (us)!
  • Love is dying to yourself for the sake of someone else!
  • Love is loving someone when they don't love you. Jesus saw the worst in us yet died for us.
  • We love in response to God's love for us!
  • When we love God, it's easier to love others.
  • Non-believers don't read scripture; they read Christians. If we want the world to see God, we have to show them love.
He finished with this...which I thought was written beautifully. Enjoy!

*To those who gave birth this year to their first child - we celebrate with you!
*To those who lost a child this year - we mourn with you.
*To those who are in the trenches with little ones every day and wear the badge of food stains - we appreciate you.
*To those who experienced loss this year through miscarriage, failed adoptions, or running away - we mourn with you.
To those who walk the hard path of infertility - we walk with you. Forgive us when we say foolish things. We don't mean to make this harder than it is.
*To those who are foster moms, mentor moms, and spiritual moms - we need you.
*To those who have warm and close relationships with your children - we celebrate with you.
*To those who have disappointment, heart ache, and distance with your children - we sit with you.
*To those who lost their mothers this year - we grieve with you.
*To those who experienced abuse at the hands of your own mother - we acknowledge your experience.
*To those who lived through driving tests, medical tests, and the overall testing of motherhood - we are better for having you.
*To those who will have emptier nests in the upcoming year - we grieve...& rejoice with you.
*And to those who are pregnant with new life, both expected and surprising - we anticipate with you.
This Mother's Day, we walk with you. Mothering is not for the faint of heart and we have real warriors in our midst. We love you!
To warrior moms,

Sunday, May 12, 2013

"They call her blessed..."

Happy Mother's Day, Mom! 
Today...and every your day!
Thank you for guiding me through life while always pointing me towards Christ!
Thank you for being my parent then so that I can call you my best friend now
Love you, more<3

And Happy Mothers Day to my second Mom...who loves me as her own blood! Thank you for raising a son that loves God, His church, and me! I love you! 

Who can find a virtuous woman? She is far more precious than jewels...
Strength and honor are her clothing, and she can laugh at the time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom, and loving instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the activities of her household and is never idle.
Her sons rise up and call her blessed.
Her husband also praises her:
Many women are capable, but you surpass them all!
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.
~Proverbs 31:10, 25-30

Cheers to Moms,

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Identity Theft 2 -- Finding Freedom

This has been one of my most favorite series that we have ever done in student ministry! Why? Because I have seen first hand the fruit that has been produced through it. I've witnessed the "light switch" being turned on in students' hearts as they come to the realization that they truly are God's masterpiece. Last night's service easily fell into the top 3 services I've ever been apart of in student ministry. ever. A friend of Husband and I's from Greenville came and shared his story of how God has set him free from being labeled as "gay". As a young student, because of this label and the comments made to him and about him, he started on a path believing that he was in fact, gay. If you missed last night, you can read a more in-depth account of his story here and how God has put him on a journey to freedom.

I've been humbled over the past two weeks from hearing stories of students that have been set free from eating disorders, set free from looking to others for approval or disproval, set free from homosexuality, and set free from carrying labels that others have given them. Let me tell you, it's a cruel world out there and labels stick. The more that we can instill in teenagers (especially) that the Lord is the only one allowed to label them, the more they will start to seek the Lord for their identity and not seek ways to take their own lives and dispose of their identity. Here are some lessons learned from last night.

  • Every person on the planet has their own unique fingerprint. God didn't create you to be someone else.
  • We are trying so hard to be someone that God has not called us to be.
  • In order to understand who we are we have to understand whose we are.
  • We let others that know us the least define us the most.
  • The only person allowed to label you is the One who created you.
  • Your value and worth does not vanish because you've been through stuff.
  • Jesus was tempted by ALL things! All means ALL! (Heb. 4) But He never sinned because he patterned His life after the Father.

"Words bring life or death." 
"Always speak words of LIFE over someone's life. Not death.
You never know what they're going through."

Thanks, Caleb, for your transparency and your authentic testimony last night. Your words spurred LIFE into our students and a hope for freedom! Keep patterning your life after the Father!

There's freedom in Him,

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stephen Leopard > Jim Carrey

So, about 4 years ago, my brother and his friends decided to re-enact a Jim Carrey skit. Now, I don't remember why they did it or where they showed it at but I do remember it was hi-lar-ious!! Mom, husband and I were sitting around this weekend and remembered it so I searched it on YouTube and low and behold, there it was. He may...or may not...kill me for re-living his past on this blog, but if you need a good laugh just click play :) **He's the "lifeguard" :)**

Cheers to laughs,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Polycystic Ovarian what?

**I hesitated sharing this because I don't want people "worrying" about me or constantly asking me how my female organs are doing. But, we talked a lot in my junior and senior girls hometeam last night about letting people in on our struggles and not trying to pretend that things are "good" all the time. So, this I share with you :)

Upon moving to Charlotte I knew I had to find a doctor! Might I add I hate going anywhere where there are doctors (except our hometeam because I love you, Emily! ;)) But all doctor's offices, dentist offices, even nursing homes give me this feeling that something is gnawing at my insides. It's kinda pathetic. But, I mustered enough courage to ask my good friends here where they went and I was able to find a doctor that is absolutely and ridiculously awesome, which I didn't have in my previous doctor!

So, enough with my view of doctor's offices and onto the point of my visit! Guys, this may be too much FYI for you, so I'm giving you ample time as I ramble on and on and on right this very second to exit out of this blog! But for you real men, keep reading if you want ;) Haha! I'll try to be classy in my word-choice for you!

On a cheery day in the 7th grade, mother nature decided to pay me a visit and she did so with almost hospitalizing me. The sickness was bad and ever since that day it has been. Also, ever since that day, it has decided to come and go as it pleases and not every 28ish days like it's supposed to. Anywho, it's been since December since she has graced me with her presence, (which while some of you are freaking out about this, it's very normal for me), but I knew that if we ever wanted kids of our own, I should probably get my system in order. So, yesterday, I marched myself on up to my new doctor's office
(and side note, I'm awful with finding new establishments on my own so I drove and drove and drove looking for a cute little doctor's office before I called a friend and she told me I actually had to go IN the hospital...thanks, Casey. Then I freaked out. "Not in the hospital" I thought. "Where's my husband when I need him!?" (not that I would drag him with me:)) 
I finally found where I was supposed to go and all was good on the home-front. The second I started explaining my mother nature background to my doctor she wasn't shocked (which was a first) she simply nodded her head put her hand on my knee and said, "you probably have poidfpadf djapfh adpfhdps disease". At least that's what I heard her say. She really said, "polycystic ovarian disease." She started drawing me a diagram and writing all this stuff that didn't really mean anything to me on a sheet of paper. All I wanted to know was, "Ok, that's cool, how do we fix it? Let's skip the small talk and give me some meds." Though it wasn't that simple. She ran some normal tests, drew my blood, gave me an ultrasound to look at my ovaries and came to this conclusion: I have a lot of cysts on my ovaries which explains all of my stomach pains over the last year (my ovaries look like chocolate chip cookies instead of sugar cookies :)), I do not produce enough hormones to ovulate which in term means I wouldn't be able to carry a child on my own. Now, normally this would have freaked me out and sent me spinning. But I was okay. I had a peace knowing that His plan is better than my own and maybe He has something else in store for our future family. BUT, the doctor said I should be able to carry a child one day if I took the right medications now. (she also said the medication gave us a higher possibility for twins so I asked her to give me a different medication, haha..just joking). So, for now, I'm on three prescriptions and prenatal vitamins (that keep me in the bathroom all day, too much to know, I know) and I will go back for evaluation next month.

I left feeling like I had gone spinning in a clothes dryer and though I wanted the problem fixed on the spot without all the details, and though I know this "disease" is nothing compared to many that struggle with infertility because medicine can help re-route it, I was appreciative knowing why my body has been acting the way it has for the last few years. A lot of times we don't want the journey of life we just want the conclusion. I'm determined to enjoy the journey. I'm determined not to avoid the present by worrying about the future or longing for a better time and place and rest in the fact that everything we endure can be put to good use because it trains us in trusting our God.

Enjoying the journey,

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Identity Theft 1

"But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
2 Corinthians 3:16-18

Last night was the beginning of our new series, "Identity Theft". Normally this post would be an easy one for me because I get to just repeat all the good stuff my husband said from the night before. This week was a little different. As you may see I haven't posted anything on here since last Wednesday night because I've been hunkered down preparing for this week's message...that's right, I had "got" to speak last night! If you know anything about me, you'll know that speaking just isn't my thing. I'd rather write than speak any day but I knew that God had placed in me things that people really needed to hear concerning their Identity in Christ and the insecurities that they face daily. So, if you missed last night, here are some things I tried to hammer home and hopefully they'll stick :)

We showed this video that has gone viral and came to the conclusion that the way we see ourselves is not they way that God sees us!

And just for fun, check out the guy versions on YouTube, they're pretty histarical!

  • When we look at ourselves, often times, we see a mistake while God sees a masterpiece.
  • A lot of our insecurities stem from the fact that so many of us are focused on the way that others approve or disprove of us.
  • We all have veils of insecurity that we walk around with that cloud our vision of God and who He says that we are.
  • It scares me that Christians are some of the most insecure people. God doesn't see us as insecure or inadequate.
  • We tend to stare in the mirror long enough to start hating what we see.
  • We need to lay down our worldly self-image and replace it with God's view of us.
  • God's truth about you is way more powerful than other's opinions about you! 
  • God will take the pain of your insecurities and use that to accomplish His purpose for your life.
  • We can't find freedom from our insecurities in our culture but in the only unchanging factor of our lives, Christ.
  • We are co-heirs with Christ. Just as we have inherited very specific traits from our parents, we have inherited very specific traits from our heavenly Father. When we criticize ourselves and wish that God had made us differently, we are insulting His work. 
  • God has given you everything you need in order to fulfill His purpose for which He created you for.
  • We need to focus less on ME ME ME and more on HE!
  • We will continue to struggle with insecurities until we become more inwardly focused on Christ and less outwardly focused on ourselves.
  • God will often times take our insecurities and write a story that portrays His glory. His power is made perfect in our weaknesses!
  • God died for your insecurities, we continue to carry them, and He's asking for them back! Let Him carry them and use them.
  • Guys, I beg of you to be careful how you talk to and about girls. Your words carry a powerful weight on the way that a girl looks and thinks about herself. Talk to them how you would want your sister or your future daughter to be talked to. After all, she is the daughter of your King.
  • Girls, we all want to be told we're beautiful and treated as though we're the only person on this earth. But if a guy never tells you those things you want to here, we have to be okay with that! Guys don't want nor do they need the pressure of keeping you propped up all the time. We have to look to Christ for affirmations about ourselves and let the words that people say about us not make or break our day.
  • God doesn't make mistakes, He doesn't make junk, and He didn't screw up when He created you.
  • You are not who others say you are, you are who the King says you are!

'Til next time,