Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Happy Fall! I hope to have more of a "fall season" this year. It always seems to hop from Summer to Winter in a matter of two weeks. A lot has happened in the past few months. From family vacations to Myrtle Beach and Florida to celebrating one year of marriage to opening a new student worship center to starting a college worship service and now finally having some "down-time"to catch up on little things it has been a whirlwind; but God is good. In the past few months we have noticed a significant joy in the lives of our students. They have grown into people of God that worship and live as though today is their last day whether that means sitting at a lunch table with the "not-so-cool" kids to crying out to Him in worship on Wednesday nights. You remember when you just "got it"? You know, finally the light bulb flicked on and you understood? I think the light bulbs are flicking on rapidly in the lives of God's children at Clearview. God is good. 

I hope your light bulb is still on and is not burning out...because that's easy to do. When I feel my light bulb burning out, I remember that God's light never burns out on me and unless my cup is full, I cannot pour into the lives of our kiddos. 

Be a light today...in this dark world!

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