Thursday, July 28, 2011

NYC, Papa, 24

Long time no blog :) It has been one crazyyyyy July! As my mind wants to write you a book to fill you in on our July happenings...I'll just give you some highlights. July 4th weekend we flew to Aiken for a day (because we all know ministers don't really get vacation time) so we jumped at a free day to spend July 4th with my family.

NYC: We just got back in town from a week-long missions trip to Brooklyn, NY. We were there with Spreadtruth ministries and helped the Brooklyn Tabernacle out with a VBS that they put on for about 300+ children. Let's just say...I was discouraged before we even got there. Why, you ask? Well, my "duty" was snacks. I was really hoping to hang out with the children but for some reason, God thought I needed to prepare snacks for them. These kiddos got some LUXURY snacks, let's just wasn't an easy task. However, I think I became the most-loved staffer there. I heard stories all week that went something like this, "Please, can I have some more...this is the only food I'll get to eat today." This sobered me up REAL QUICK! A lot of people question, "Why would VBS be considered missions?" Well, these broken children come from broken homes with broken schedules and broken relationships. These children do not have schedules and most do not have love. Some of our people spent the whole week chasing these students around the building while trying to disciple them and show them the love of Christ. While some of us helped with VBS, husband and two other guys from our youth group helped run a basketball camp in Queens and got to share the gospel with many children and even teens and adults. At the end of the week, the gospel had been shared with almost 5,000 New Yorkers and 459 said "Yes" to Jesus! Jesus said, "go"...we followed, and He worked!

**I'm working on editing some videos from the VBS that I'll post soon!

24: I turned 24 Tuesday and yes, I feel old! I had to drive to Aiken Monday for a doctors appointment and had lunch with mom, Jess, and John and they lavished me with goodies. Husband surprised me with a new nailpolish (he loves me!) and he had planned for my family to drive up and surprise me for dinner...sweet man!

Papa: Thank you to those that have been praying for my grandpa! He had a heart attack Saturday and was hospitalized for a few days but now he's HOME and well, just tired! Thank you, Jesus for your mercy on him and sparing his life!

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