Thursday, April 3, 2014

Two Months!

Weight: 9 lbs 6 oz
Length: 21"
Diaper Size: 1
Clothing size: Still mainly NB! She can fit in some 0-3 months.
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Toy: She's just now starting to notice the mobiles above her swing which is too funny watching her talk to them.
Sleeping Habits: During the day, she may nap once for a two hour stretch...that's if I'm super lucky!! She's going to be a tough napper when she's a toddler, I just know it! On the other hand, she usually sleeps through the night depending on when she gets put down. If we put her down early around 8 she will wake up around 4. If we keep her up she stays awake until close to 10pm, then she will sleep until 6:30-7. 
Best Moments: She's starting to notice things around her...the tv, lights, her mobiles, and her daddy's beard...which is super funny! Her facial expressions will get the best of you...they're so cute!
Hard Moments: She's super colicky/crys uncontrollably from around 4pm until she goes to bed. Hoping to outgrow that soon!!! She also is starting to be overly dramatic when taking a bottle...I can't always feed you baby girl! She has bad reflux so take cover if you're feeding her! 

Happy 2 Months, Brooklynn-girl!

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