Monday, March 31, 2014


Long time no blog. All's well here in Brooklynn-land. It's her world and we're just living it for right now. I know my recent posts have been baby this and baby that but honestly, that's how I'm rollin' right now. Hopefully, I'll be able to add in some more ministry and "spiritual" (haha) posts here soon if she ever decides to take longer than a 30 minute nap. My daily schedule consists of feeding, changing, sneaking in a bathroom break for myself, and running around like a mad woman trying to get things done during her short-lived naps (and no, I don't nap ;)) So, naturally, blogging kinda takes a backseat.

This past weekend, husband preached for my dad on Sunday because all of their staff were out of town so that meant we got to see some of our friends and exchange newborn introductions. Since I'm the world's worst about taking pictures, I stole some that others have posted. Here's our weekend...

My brothers had yet to meet Brooklynn. The life of college athletes; duty calls. John & Angie finally got to meet her this weekend. Don't worry, Stephen, we're coming for you soon!


We also got to meet up with our great friends from Greenville. Stetson was born just a few days after Brooklynn. 

 Ready for church at GiGi & Papas!

 Brooklynn & Stetson. Cuties!

& Halfton got her to finally open her eyes from a nap!

Monday, March 3, 2014

She's 1 Month!

 Happy One Month Birthday, baby are loved!

Baby Heisman, anyone?

Weight: 7lbs...maybe a little more now
Length: Not sure. She was 18 a month ago :)
Diaper Size: Newborn
Clothing size: Newborn...which we have hardly any of and most of her newborn things are too big!
Eye Color: Blue-grey
Favorite Toy: Her hands...Haha
Sleeping Habits: She's a pretty good sleeper! She still sleeps in her swing because she needs the movement! At night, on average she will sleep 3 1/2 hours at a time. A couple of times she's slept more than 4 and one night she slept 6 1/2! During the day, she still sleeps a lot but she's also awake way more than normal!

The first thing people say when seeing her is, "Oh my gosh she's so tiny!" I'm thinking, "Oh my gosh she's getting so big!" Here's a reminder of how tiny she was!