Thursday, February 27, 2014

What I've learned about Brooklynn

As the "one month birthday" of our girl approaches, there are things about being Brooklynn's mom that I've been able to experience. Here's the top 10 good, better, and best moments with our little one.

1. I know babies are supposed to sleep on their backs...but I'm 100% certain they'd sleep through the night if they could sleep on their tummys. Brooklynn sleeps best on a chest...Husband's chest to be exact!

2. Newborns are a nightmare for those of us that like keeping a schedule. There's no such thing anymore. 

3. Every whimper at night freaks me out. "Is she choking?!"

4. I'm pretty sure B knows when we're watching her. She cries at night until I sit up then she stops. If I lay back down, she starts up again. Attention-driven, anyone?

5. She likes to choke herself by shoving her fist down her throat when she's hungry. I try to tell her that's not the way to go! 

6. She hates baths...until you wash her hair :-)

7. She always has her hands up in the air or by her face. This makes the whole "swaddle" business a nightmare -- you'll break a sweat.

8. Cluster feeding. Really?

9. She has ninja arms and legs. It's a feat to get her diaper on. She will straight karate kick you if you're too close.

10. When I feel like pulling my hair out, all she has to do is pucker up or smile and I'm good to go.

We really have been super blessed. She's such a good baby 99% of the time. She definitely has her diva moments but she's a girl ;-) 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Brooklynn Noel Hux..she's here!

Well, baby girl is here! When I woke up last Sunday morning I had one thing on my mind, please just make it through the service!! I had been feeling achy and crampy for quite awhile so I knew that she wouldn't wait until her due date, February 23rd, to make her debut. I knew on Sunday that it would be within the next few days that she would come. Sunday night we went to a super bowl party with the rest of the church staff and honestly, I felt pretty good until halftime probably because I was occupied talking, laughing, and eating of course! Everyone was joking that they "gave my pregnancy two more weeks". In my head I was thinking, I give it 24 hours. When halftime rolled around, I kinda gave Michael "the look" and we headed home.

We came home, sat on the couch, and finished watching the "game" (was it even a game?) I started having contractions around 8:30PM but they were far apart and "manageable" at the time. We both went to bed and Michael went to sleep ( I did not). I fought off the contractions until 1:30AM when they were 4 minutes apart. I swallowed my pride and called the hospital. I say "swallowed my pride" because I was not about to go to the hospital at 2AM only to be sent back home. Nu uh. The nurse said to come on in so I woke up Michael (who said, "how'd you sleep last night" only to be followed by me saying "it is night"). He threw some stuff in his bag and we made the 4 minute drive (thank you, Jesus) to the hospital.

We got checked in, hooked up to the machines, given Pitocin, and was 2cm dilated by 2AM. Remember a few weeks ago my blood pressure had been really high and so for that reason, I had to wait about 2 hours for my tests to come back from the lab for the "OK" to get the epidural. Even before my pregnancy, I had always planned on getting an epidural so there was no question; I was going to take advantage of modern medicine to make this process as smooth as possible. I still care what my husband thinks about me and didn't want him (or me for that matter) to have to experience any labor demons. Haha.

After I got the epidural, it was pretty much smooth sailing from there. Around 9AM they broke my water, 9:20AM I started pushing, and 9:42 she was here weighing 6.5 lbs and 18 1/2 in. long, and perfectly healthy! My chunkster baby was a tiny little thing that I'm still scared of snapping in two.

Thank you to everyone who has sent gifts, loving texts, and prayers over the past week. WEEK, she's almost one whole week! Time's starting to fly already! P.S. That "baby smell" I thought I wasn't going to like...I'm obsessed!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Full Term!

How far along? 37 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I actually lost 2 lbs this week! So, 36 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Just jeans
Stretch marks? None
Sleep? I sleep great...after 5AM
Miss Anything? Just being able to move
Movement: Less & less, actually
Food cravings? Vanilla Coke & Cinnamon rolls...of which I have had both :)
Anything making you sick or queasy? LOTS of nausea. Making up for the "no nausea" from the first trimester! 
Gender: Girl
Symptoms: Google "pregnancy symptoms"...I have it all.
Labor signs? One case of back labor and lots of little contractions here and there. Nothing consistent or enough to send me to my knees. Just need to make it to Tuesday.
Belly button in or out? It's half flat/half out. Haha.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time?
Worst moment this week: Sleeping. Also found out on Friday that my blood pressure was high. You can read about that down below.
Best moment this week: I bought the first outfit for Brooklynn. It only took 37 weeks but I bought one :)
Looking forward to: Getting her out of me!
Baby info: She's pretty much "complete" and Dr. says she thinks she's not going to get any bigger so the "chunkster" we thought we were going to have might not be such a chunkster, after all. 

The doctors are also running blood tests and starting tomorrow I have to do a 24-hr urine test (which is what it sounds like) to determine whether or not I have a case of preeclampsia. Obviously my case isn't severe because my weight gain has been where it needs to be but I have had some crazy swelling, which is a symptom of it. SO, if my blood pressure doesn't go down and my urine shows a high level of protein, then they will induce me sometime after my appointment on Tuesday. So, this could very well be my last pregnancy update...we will know Tuesday!!