Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Anxiety & Beth Moore

I was listening to a live-streaming from Beth Moore this morning and she was hitting on anxiety...which is definitely something that a lot of women (especially in the ministry) deal do I on occasion. Here are some of her on-spot points that I hope resonate with you today!

-The area in which we have the most anxiety is where we are having attacks from Satan.
-Whatever you obsess over is exactly where the enemy is fixated on you.
-Be alert and sober from the enemy (who wants to eat you alive) 
-There is a direct link between our cares and our attacks!
-Anxiety is a waving red flag that says “Here am I, hit me”.
-When I am giving way to my anxiety, all the enemy has to look for is “am I (we) driven by anxiety?”
-Anxiety says we are not fully surrendered to God in that area. (We tend to not be too conscious of this.)
-Anything we hang onto (being our anxiety) is outside of God’s umbrella. The devil will not waste a dart on an area that is already covered by God’s umbrella.
-To be able to acknowledge that you’re having an anxiety attack, is an opportunity to be able to cast it, transfer it, or throw it onto Jesus.
-We cannot have our anxiety and act of faith at the same time.
-Keep confessing the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Start in the morning acknowledging that the Lord has full ownership over your lives.
-When the enemy realizes that everytime you face anxiety and you confess the authority of the Lord, he will back off.
-Go to your knees and throw your anziety to the Lord. Kneel and throw.
-God is NOT a nail-biter! Nothing catches Him by surprise! Everything goes according to His plan and you (and it) matters to Him! 

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