Saturday, April 16, 2011

In the Midst

In the midst of final exams approaching in the next two weeks, graduation coming up, planning for the youth graduation and their beach camp, there are some exciting things going on to which I will introduce to you!
Renewal week takes place every year around this time at AU. The ministry senior seminar class (which consists of 8 of us) has to plan two evening worship services that is student led and student driven. We have to find music, a speaker, sound and media people, etc. Well, my husband got nominated, therefore meaning he got "the gig", and is speaking those two nights. I was hesitant because that's a lot of speaking Monday-Wednesday and a lot of traveling (seeing as though we live an hour away from campus and I already have to drive back and forth everyday) but he's excited and has been writing away!

I have been going to Garden City Chapel for youth camp since I was in the sixth grade....that makes about 14 years total! Well, ironically enough, that is where Clearview takes their youth every summer so Michael and I get to jump on the bandwagon again! It's good because we're familiar with the area and know how to plan for it! This year we are excited because Michael's good friend, Jon Spallino a.k.a Spallino is coming up to speak! We're calling beach camp "The Wave" with a concentration on theme "Is It Worth It?"

I've decided to try to make a little extra money on the side by selling mark cosmetics. I've been using mark for a few years now and it's addictnig. It's designer and cheap! So...go to and buy your makeup through me!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Small Groups

Our other blog somehow got we will start over :)

Clearview has started church-wide small groups on Sunday nights...and let me tell you...ours is awesome! Michael and I co-teach the students on Sunday nights. We start with a huge group game and then break into groups. Michael takes the guys and I take the girls. Over the past few weeks we have addressed "Why pray?", "Why read scripture?", "Fear", "Family", and last night we dove in to "Accountability". The students love to be laid back and have discussions, which they normally don't get to do. We have about 35 students every Sunday night and God is showing His blessing upon it. We always want to build an atmosphere in which students WANT and LOVE to come to church. We don't want them coming out of force or obligation. Our goal is to see students "get-it" through knowing God and showing God. If the students can take home one-point or build one relationship with somebody else, that brings joy to our lives.

So, come join us on Sunday is a picture from last night! We played an intense game of musical chairs (while walking backwards, doing jumping jacks, hopping on one foot, holding hands...etc.) Let's just say I will NEVER challenge these kids in musical chairs--they are violent, intense, and all want to win! Congrats Kara Marlow...our musical chair winner! Girl power!

Sorry it's so small, it was taken from Mike's phone! 

I will leave you with my countdown...3 weeks until classes are completo and I'm onto graduation!
